An Open Letter to Grooms Everywhere...

Dear Groom,

You are getting married! Congratulations…. Now here are just a few things I want you to know…

The Big One

Let’s tick the big one off, right off the bat… Chances are most of your life, society has led you to believe that weddings are women’s business and that the extent of your role is to say “yes dear” and show up on the day… But guess what, they got it wrong!

Now I don’t expect you to care about every little detail (unless you do and then I love that)… But if we are keeping it real, floral arrangements and colour schemes may not be your thing and that is okay. But I can equally guarantee that there are some details that you do care about. And I would even go as far as to say that there are some details that you should care about, beyond what beer is being served I mean. I want you to get involved, to initiate conversations and to share your thoughts and ideas.

Just remember you are not some schmuck off the street… You are a modern groom that gives a shit! But here is the kicker…Society has not entirely caught up yet and at times it will try and silence your voice… Here is my best advice, don’t let them!

Ride the Wave

Which leads me to my next point… So, we have established that you are a modern groom and modern grooms are ready, willing and able to step into your human experience of getting married (and all of the emotions that come with it).

The funny thing about weddings is that you can never really know how you are going to react until it happens. But when you see your partner at the end of the aisle it can tug at your heartstrings in a way that you were not prepared for. Likewise listening to me deliver your ceremony is one thing but when it comes time to voice your vows… Well, that can hit you like a tonne of emotional, tear jerking bricks… But instead of running from it, I want you to step into that space and into all its raw beauty.

I prepare all my couples to experience every single moment that your wedding day has to offer… I want you to smile hard, laugh loudly and if tears just so happen to fall… I say let them!

Making Mistakes

You are not alone if you are worried about making a faux pas on your wedding day. I hear from my couples all the time that they are freaking out about stuffing up in their wedding ceremony or their speech. And while I can’t help you with your speech, I can totally help you out in your wedding ceremony!

Firstly, I do 90% of the talking, so statistics are on your side.

Secondly, it turns out that the stuff that doesn’t go quite to plan is actually the good stuff! Like when I am asking you a whole bunch of questions and you say “I do” smack bang in the middle instead of waiting to the end… Do you know what happens next? You throw your head back and laugh with a huge smile on your face and it creates one of the best photo moments you can imagine… Plus we all get a laugh out of it and trust me when I say you feel better afterwards (because you have faced your fear and you realise you had nothing to worry about after all).

Or when you start to share your vows and your voice waivers and you stumble over your words… I can promise you that all your guests are thinking is ‘look how much they love each other’… Yeah, they will probably take the piss out of you later but I can guarantee you that they were going to anyway.

Trust me when I say that worrying that you are going to stuff up is not something that even needs to be on your radar… Because I will have your back… And because you are going to embrace it… All of it!

Your Inner Thoughts

Lastly, booked a videographer? Well unless you want everyone to hear your inner thoughts or your groomsmen’s banter for that matter you will need this tip… As soon as your Videographer wires you up, you are being recorded… And trust me, some of the best (and the worst) audio is recorded right before show time.

Your celebrant,

Mel x