Changing your name now that you are married

Changing your name now that you are married

So, you are now happily married! You have a shiny new ring on your finger and you want a new surname on your identification. So, where do you even start?

I am going to answer some commonly asked questions that will hopefully start you on the right path…

Can I use the official looking marriage certificate you gave me on my wedding day to change my name?

No, while the marriage certificate you received on your wedding day is an official marriage certificate it does not include the necessary inbuilt security checks to use it for the purposes of changing your name. For that you will need an official marriage certificate from NSW Births, Deaths and Marriages. I offer to organise this for all the couples I marry, but you are also able to do this yourself. You can find a link to it here.

When will the certificate arrive?

Your new marriage certificate will arrive via registered mail in about a weeks’ time.

My marriage certificate arrived in the mail, what do I do next?

Unfortunately, there is not just one place where you can go to change your name (although I wish there was).

I generally recommend that you start your journey at Services NSW. By showing your marriage certificate the good folk there will issue you with a new licence or photo identification in your married name on the spot. 

After your photo identification is in your new married name between it as well as your marriage certificate you should be able to change your name everywhere else that you hold an account. What this means in reality is that you will need to carry your marriage certificate around with you everywhere you go and change your name at each individual place you hold an account.

I have changed my name at a few places but I feel like I am missing some…

That’s because there are soooo many places! You probably have already changed your social media accounts but have you thought about some of these other accounts:

The bank, your workplace, Medicare, doctor, dentist, vet, superannuation, passport (but not until after you have taken any holidays booked in your maiden name), your household amenities providers (electricity, gas, water), the real estate agency if you are renting, insurance, gym, sporting clubs, vet, child care services and the electoral office to name just a few.

I recently got married, do I have to change my name?

The short answer is no. Changing your name after marriage is very much a personal preference. Gone are the days where changing your name after marriage was a given. These days when you agreeing to marry, that is all you are signing yourself up for. Changing your name is completely and entirely up to you.

We want to change our names to a brand-new surname; can we still do that using the marriage certificate?

Without knowing the specifics, I would say no. You can use your marriage certificate for party 1 to take party 2’s surname or the other way around. But if you want to blend the letters from both your names and come up with an entirely new name or any other arrangement, you would need a ‘Change of name’ certificate which is a different process. In short, any name change that isn’t a straight swap from one parties’ surname to the other requires a change of name application instead of a marriage certificate.

Changing your name can be a long and at times arduous task, but the good news is you don’t have to do it all at once. I recommend doing the big ones first and then just tick the rest off, one at a time as you get around to it. Changing your name is a marathon not a sprint but just think about how exciting it will be the first time you get a letter in your new married name.

Your celebrant,

Mel x

Photo with thanks to Stories with Mel